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Long Island Iced Tea

by Trevor Lowe
(South Africa)

12 ml vodka
12 ml gin
12 ml white rum
12 ml tequila
12 ml triple sec or Cointreau
12 ml sweet and sour mix
150 ml Coca Cola
(5 white spirits cocktail)

Place ice in the glass, pour in the vodka, gin, rum, tequila, triple sec and sweet and sour mix.
Pour Coca Cola slowly over the ice so as to float it over the 5 white spirits.

Method for sweet and sour mix
Heat 500 ml of water on the stove, add 200-300 g of sugar and stir until dissolved. Stir in 150-200 ml lemon juice. Leave to cool before using.

Instead of Coca Cola, you can use variations such as orange juice or cranberry juice, or even Red Bull.

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