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Oxtail Stew

A delicious oxtail stew recipe that I've been cooking for years, and is a winner every time!

This is best cooked the day before you want to serve it, and is a brilliant winter warmer.

Oxtail stewIngredients
1 large oxtail
2 tbsp oil
1-2 onions, sliced
2 tbsp celery, chopped
1 dumpie beer, or same amount red wine
200ml beef stock
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 tbsp brown vinegar
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper

Trim the excess fat off the oxtail, and coat it in flour. Sauté until golden brown. Remove and cool. Heat the beer or wine, add the stock, tomato purée, vinegar, sugar, bay leaves, and salt and pepper, and bring to the boil. Add the oxtail and vegetables. Cover and cook on low heat for 3 hours until tender. Cool, then chill in the fridge. The next day, remove the fat which has settled on the top, and reheat and serve (with with mashed potato, if you ask me ;-).


  • You can add more stock or even water if you want a saucier stew.
  • You can also add other veggies. Some of my faves to add are baby carrots and/or haricot beans, and I've known friends to add potatoes (then serve the stew with rice instead of mash).
  • You can even use this recipe with plain beef for a beef stew instead of an oxtail stew, and it's still just as delicious!

Click to download the printable version of this recipe

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